What could be cuter than a Pegasus?

Well, if you thought my Pegasus was adorable - wait ‘til you see this cute little fellow I just made!

For some inexplicable reason I was compelled to make a baby Pegasus.

He turned out to be way easier to make than the big one - probably because I have looked at so many horse photos and videos by now. He started out with a wire armature in the same way as all my other needle felted critturs. I used some of the felt I made for his mom’s wings for his tiny little wings. Very quickly he took on his own character.

Not very impressive yet - but give him a chance.

Sculpting his face - now he looks a little crazy, but hang in there…

Once he was finished I had some fun photographing his first wobby steps under his mom’s watchful eye.

Up you get…

But how mommy…?

Legs are tricky things to work…

You did it!

Hey, life is fun!

A Glamping we will go...

A few weeks ago my husband got Covid (only mild fortunately) so we spent some time in quarantine. I had even more time on my hands than usual. Sigh! What are you going to do with idle hands - make something fun of course!

Who wouldn’t want to go Glamping with these girls!

In my story my heroine Nieva gets to recuperate from an accident by staying in Zahrah’s cabin. Meanwhile, Zahrah, Affie, and the warrior girls are “camping” outside. I wanted a couple of photos inside the “tent” so I wanted to make something quick and easy. My first thoughts were to build teepees for them. I watched videos on how to put up teepees, and how to knot the three main poles together. I tried it and it was not easy, or successful. I struggled for hours to tie three sticks together and get them to stand up. It turns out I am terrible at teepees! Suitably disappointed, I turned my thoughts to either an arabian style tent, or a yurt.

I had a bunch of dowels I bought to make the teepees with and decided I would use those to make the frame for a yurt. I drew a semicircle on a board and hot glued the dowels to it.

I used some string to “tie” the posts together. I put some nice paper on the floor, to cover the surface of the board. I draped some fleece fabric around the sides and finally suspended another piece of fabric for the roof. It was all very cosy, so now to decorate….

I created some overstuffed beds with filling and fabric, then hand stitched some little cushions from my fabric “cabbage” to add to the comfort. Years ago I had flirted with crochet and created some little sampler squares to try out stitches. Never throw anything away, because guess what - these made perfect cute little rugs for the floor. Lol! 

I hung up some of the lucidite lights I made for the mermaid cavern, added some metal hooks for storing up the girls hunting equipment and lo and behold - we have a wonderful “Glamping” experience.

So folks, if you can’t afford the five star Vrbo experience of Zahrah’s cabin, then glamping in the yurt might be for you! Apply now ;)

Another year - more tiny stuff!

Here we are in a brand new year - and still hoping the world will get to a better place soon. I was away for Christmas and New Year so it’s only now that I am back working on setting up little scenes to illustrate my story. Prior to Christmas I set up Zahrah’s cabin, but when I looked at it again it looked very bare so I’ve spent some time decorating and making more stuff to go in the space and make it look lived in. Here are the before and after pics.

Not bad - but a bit bare

Ah - now that’s more like it!

I made some framed pictures of my paintings to go on the walls. The two landscapes are 4 x 6 photos of my work, but the floral painting is an actual watercolor which I trimmed to size and mounted on a board. I was thrilled with the way the watercolor looked - if only I could do that on a huge scale in real life.

Below is a closeup of the bookcase cupboard I made out of mat board. I covered it in paper and then painted it, and filled it with interesting items and tiny books.

A bookcase full of fun stuff.

Vase made of beads and a button base. Teapot made from glass bead and metal jewelry decor.

My daughter in law got me some wooden buttons for Christmas (she knows me so well!) and yes I have had lots of fun finding things to make with them! I have combined them with beads - as in these vases which have buttons as bases.

Another bead “vase” with a button base. I finally found a use for some of the feathers in my collection!

Here’s a little table made from buttons

These plates are actually buttons too… and more glass bead teapots (I just went crazy making those!)

I’m so pleased with how the cabin looks now and everyone says how they would love to stay in it - maybe I should put it on Vrbo! ;)

Zahrah reading at her desk.