Ta Da! My story has become a book!
It’s been quite the project to turn my story into a book and many new skills had to be learned along the way, but even harder was the very daunting prospect of waiting to see how it all looked when it was printed. I nervously uploaded my PDF files to Blurb.com and held my breath. Despite having checked and rechecked the files I had some nightmares thinking the photos wouldn’t print, or the text would be unreadable. But here it finally is and I’m actually very pleased with it. This is the culmination of two years of work (well mostly play really!) It’s an unusual little graphic novel, consisting as it does of photos rather than drawings, but I think it works pretty well considering when I started this project I had no idea where it would lead. I did not have a final product in mind, it was just lots of fun creating and leaning new skills.
From the feedback I’ve had I would consider it suitable for ages 10 and up (the young at heart like myself). Some lucky (?) folks will find one in their stocking this Christmas, but anyone else who is curious can get one from me for $25. It’s full color, 56 pages in all. I think I might have an open house in January to celebrate and to show off all the characters I made and some of the scenes I created. It will be exciting to share the fun.
The images and text came out great and I’m very pleased with the way Blurb printed it.
Although the book is a thing in itself, I don’t consider Nieva’s story over - in fact I’m busy working on some new writing and have lots of ideas of fun things to make to illustrate it. Watch this space…